Sometimes I really wonder how I am supposed to interpret things. If any of you have been serious about seeking a calling in your life and having the courage to follow it—you will know what I mean. I pray a lot. I talk to friends a lot about my thoughts on all matters around the decision. I pray more. I write pros & cons lists. I imagine myself in each option. Basically I think a lot and try to weigh every option logically.
But then I start the scary business of interpreting things that really have nothing to do with the decision. This is where I get in trouble. Let me give you an example. Act 1: My neighbors have a bees nest under their roof. And because of this, every night that I have lived here, about 20 or more bees fly into my house and angrily attack any light that is on. They fight hard and ALL die by the next morning. So everyday, I sweep out a ton of dead bees. I have only been stung once and have no access to the spot where I think the nest is, so I’ve had a live and let live policy. (Although I do ask anyone that comes over if they are allergic before they get too comfortable…)
Act two: Last night I went to put something out by my washer, which is in a small partially covered/partially not covered area outside my kitchen. As I opened the door a very large roach fell onto my hand. I threw it down and then noticed there were about 5 roaches out there scurrying about. And then noticed a significantly larger roach further back. Hmpf! Well, I’ve never had to deal with roaches and have zero knowledge here, so I got the bleach/water mixture that we clean with and I chased roaches and sprayed them with bleach. It didn’t seem to have much impact last night and I felt I lost that battle, but today I don’t see any roaches.
Act 3 (and hopefully the finale): Tonight, Ashley and I were sitting downstairs watching a little tv when I noticed a movement by the edge of the couch. When I realized what it was, I quietly screeched, “There is a bat!” And as I said this, the bat promptly took flight and flew straight into my lap. This was followed by screams from both Ashley and I. I spilt water all over myself and the bat flew out of my lap. It then crawled and flew all over my living room. I tried to open doors, while also trying to keep a good distance. Finally it flew up on the steps to my bedroom but didn’t look like it was in good shape—I think a wing was hurt or it had stunned itself when it kept running into things or something. From my distance, I was trying to come up with a plan while watching it. It slipped out of view behind a large beam at the base of the stairwell and then I lost track of it totally. In fact, it disappeared somewhere and we never found it. So, we are pretty sure there is a bat either roaming somewhere under my stairs or dead. We don’t really know and this lack of knowledge is upsetting.
So what does this have to do with my decisions at hand? Nothing. And yet, in my ever creative mind, I did wonder tonight, “Are these some kind of sign? Some modern form of the plagues? Some warning? And if they are, what is the warning?” And I seriously wondered if the recent pest activity should influence my current life decisions. Please tell me that some of you do the same thing? Do your best to discern wisely, patiently, openly—but then go a little lloopdilloop and start adding completely irrelevant data to the decision? Tell me I am not the only one? And if I ask, please remind me that I am not Pharoah and it is just coincidence that I had 3 weird “wildlife” intersections in my suburban little home.
Prayer Needs:
- Decisions -Thanks for your prayers. I feel I am making some headway in my decision making process, even with the weird thoughts above. Please keep praying that I continue to listen with an open, trusting heart and get some well-defined clarity.
- Spanish - Thanks for your prayers again. I actually had a small meeting with two ENLACE employees in Spanish last week. There were a few times I was lost, but mostly stayed up with the conversation and understood what was needed next. Please keep praying and keeping me accountable on using my Spanish!
- Larry & Ginny Rodriguez - Many of you know Larry & Ginny Rodriguez from River West. If you stay up on my blog, I recently wrote about Larry. (Read My hero Larry.) In short, Larry and Ginny Rodriguez have blessed my life immeasurably over the last year and a half. Well after a trip to El Salvador in April, Larry was having some stomach issues and went to the Dr. for fear of bacteria or something. Thankfully, this did lead him to the Dr. because they instead discovered Colon cancer. Last week they were going to do surgery, but realized that the cancer had spread and determined the cancer inoperable for now. He has been diagnosed with stage IV cancer and in another week they will explain the treatment process. This has been a big blow to me. Simply put, I adore both Larry & Ginny and they have been such wonderful friends that I want to hop on a plane and head straight to their house. To BE there for them…to help somehow. But I know that is not an option, nor would it be helpful. So instead, I am asking each of you to really join me in praying for both Larry & Ginny. Pray that Larry is healed. I know that sounds nuts to some of you, but I believe it can happen. We have all heard miraculous stories of healing and I am praying for just such a miracle. Please believe along with me. Also pray for both Larry & Ginny as they process all of this, cope with it and relate to one another through this difficult time.
And in honor of Larry and his gift of friendship, go find that person you love most and tell them. Hug them. Laugh with them and enjoy the life you have together. Maybe even eat some Mexican food together and try to order en espanol!
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