And thus began one of the richest new friendships that I have experienced in years. Larry teaches a weekly Spanish class at River West and folks learn spanish, sing songs, read the word, etc. And every bit is good for Spanish training. But more than that we laugh! Larry and his amazing wife Ginny have a gift for bringing joy to a group and making each person feel special and loved. Before Spanish class I had the pleasure of having dinner with Larry & Ginny every week and their love, kindness and humor was always a gift.
But Larry refused to come to El Salvador. He just didn't want to--it seemed hot and hard. He was much happier teaching a class in LO. But through a series of miracles and much prayer, Larry was on that plane coming to San Salvador in April. And from the moment he set foot, he made his mark. He may have had reservations, but they certainly didn't show once he got here. At the welcome ceremony we sang a hymn that Larry & Ginny taught us in Spanish and many of the villagers knew it, so they sang along. It was soo cool. (See attached photo.)

And I guess I just have to say that one of the reasons that I so firmly believe in the Christian church is that it brings together people like Larry, Ginny and myself. God draws us together over shared interests--like Spanish. Which is cool! But more then that, God draws us into relationship together. I know that Larry & Ginny pray for me. And you can bet I was praying that Larry would come to El Salvador! And every time we are together that bond remains solid and encouraging and just a little bit of Jesus in my life. And that is so awesome. I hope that you have a Larry & Ginny in your life to!
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