Friday, November 7, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
taking care of the cute factor

Saturday, September 27, 2008
so very smart

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
abelines-my favorite ENLACE community
Saturday, August 23, 2008
just another day in san salvador

Thursday, August 14, 2008
having fun is, well, fun

A few of my friends and I took this opportunity to see some more of Central America. Jamie Huff, a Vanguard Anthro Professor working with ENLACE for 6 months, and his family--Rebecca, Reyna and Emily--borrowed a friend's van and Ashley, Matt (Jamie's assistant) and I snagged a ride.
We went to Copan Ruinas in Honduras. This is a delightful small colonial town within walking distance of some amazing Mayan ruins. We had a great time exploring the ruins and we took a great drive through the beautiful Honduran mountains to some "local" hot springs. It was a looong drive, but gorgeous, so we didn't mind too much. Our hostel/hotel, Iguana Azul, was awesome. We paid $6 a night and had hot, hot showers and our own room. We were also able to get awesome massages for $25 for an hour. All in all, it was a perfectly balanced time of wandering the city with down time to read, relax and enjoy one another's company.
After 3 nights, The Huff's & Matt left to return to El Salvador and Ashley & I grabbed a shuttle to Antigua, Guatemala. Honestly the $15 was well spent to just be able to see so much of Guatemala. What an amazingly beautiful country! The beauty of nature contrasted sharply with urban life as we drove through quite a bit of Guatemala City (GC) dropping different people off and saw some of the harsher sides of Central America's largest city. Truly GC dwarfs San Salvador as far as cities go.
And after 6 hours in the shuttle we made it to a very dark and rainy Antigua. Our first night was kind of a bomb amidst our wet clothes & luggage, the dank hostel we stayed at and the intense rain--but the sun came out on Wednesday and the lovely Antigua that I know so well was delightful as ever. We found a nice, reasonlably priced hotel room, took showers and "did a do-over." We then had 3 great days or eating, shopping and walking around at night. It was a great lil break and Ashley is the greatest travel partner ever. Really we had great fun just talking about all of life, laughing and hunting out the best cakes in Antigua.
All in all it was a fun a week away, but truly I felt like it was a week of restoration and that God was able to return some former joy into my heart. I guess my boyfriend Julio really knew something when he focused so much time on playing because playing is not only fun but fills you with laughter and peace and wonder and delight in this amazing world and the many cool things in our lives. Julio is sooo smart.
For more intriguing and cultural relevant photos, visit my facebook photo gallery. And if you are on facebook, join the ENLACE group.
pupusa's & prayer
Last night after one such gathering I was so touched about how right or Sunday nights were that I had to write to all my friends that attended and share my feelings. Today, I realize that these words are no less true for my church family at home and around the world. So I figured I may as well share with you all as well. I hope this encourages all of you this week and helps you recognize the amazing blessing we have in the community around us wherever they are others that are willing to gather, listen and pray.
I just had to say how much I love prayer and pupusa’s on Sundays! It is so great to have a time to check in with everyone, focus on our shared beautiful Jesus and share our hearts, fears, worries, joys and to giggle some to. And please know that I do pray for each one of you throughout every week, because I kind of love you all. There, I said it!
Ashley and I were talking about vulnerability and how hard it is and yet how critical it is in the walk of faith—being transparent to everyone around us. Really, how can we glorify God if we aren’t real with one another about the areas that he is challenging us? …The messes he is redeeming in us? …The crappiness he is replacing with not only goodness, but holiness. (Holiness instead of crap. That still astounds me. Talk about the best trade up ever.)
Being in El Salvador forces each of us to fly a “I am not all that nor a bag of chips” flag freely and frequently. And what is amazing is that this seems like one of the most precious gifts El Salvador gives us because honestly, it’s reality—no less true in the states or anywhere. But El Sal does have a way of forcing the card—the unending needs of poverty, the difficulties with even the littlest task, the language—all of these things force us to admit our weakness and our lack and require that we cling to God to make something out of the motley pile that is us. And oddly, when we do chill out, trust God to be working and stare into the big baby blues of Christ’s deep, deep, infinitely deep well of love for us—then we often get a brief glimpse of the Kingdom of God. That awesome place where Christ is Lord and is working out this harmonic, just and mindblowingly beautiful plan of complete redemption in the world. And when we stand in our own reality—no matter how ugly or lovely—and share together the truth of God working in and among us, we are part of that story of saints. We are what Christians are supposed to be.
Take a look at this verse:
1 Peter 2:9
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
You, my friends, and I are chosen by God to come from the darkness into his awesome light. God….G-O-D has chosen us and picked us for his eternal kickball game in the sky. No last picks. We are at the top of the “priesthood” list. And we are part of the winningest team ever. (Insert cool cheerleading chant here with Jesus’ name screamed out.) And all of this is reality, even as I suck at Spanish, can’t figure out how to rid myself of bees or bats and feel as if I accomplish not so much in every week. I am still a priest if my eyes are on Christ.
It is such a joy to share in this journey with each one of you. Today I celebrate the twists and turns and scary choices and unknowns and fears and potential loves and potential heart breaks that each one of us shared tonight. God is there amidst it all and it is his work and he will be exalted. Because he is more than all that and a bag of chips. He is God. Immanuel. Jehovoah Jireh. Master and King.
Psalm 46:10-11
“Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth."
The LORD Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
SelahTry to keep that in mind this week.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
long road to forgiveness
a boyfriend, a bus and a bug follow up
See below.
car accident at 3mph
If you have been to El Salvador, you know that the driving is a little crazy. And everyone’s car has dents, scratched paint and scars from some interaction with an opposing force. So honestly, ever since I got my car and hit the roads, I have said, “Every day that I don’t get into a car accident is a success.” Well, my success rate ended with a low, low, barely moving impact week before last. You see, I was waiting for a bus in the intersection to move so that I could flow into traffic. Well, the bus started moving, and I looked to my left and saw no other traffic and so I began moving. Only to promptly lean into the side of the bus that had apparently stopped moving as soon as I looked away. Two men, that I assumed worked with the bus that I just hit, began promptly telling me how to detach from the bus wheel well I was stuck in and had a quick conversation with an approaching cop. Then one of the guys handed me the small part of my bumper that had come off and the cop then shrugged and waved us both on. Note—no one spoke directly to me once, not a single word. (Sometimes that happens when you have a gringa face.) And as we drove away, Ashley and I both realized that the two guys helping us were just bystanders on the street that had nothing better to do then detach me from a local bus. All in all, a pretty ”successful” introduction to driving and crashing a car in El Salvador.
pests – they get people talking
I am pretty sure that I got the most email responses ever concerning the bee/roach/bat Bermuda triangle that is my home. So thanks to everyone for the sympathy, advice and “ews”, “icks” and “gross’s”. As a follow up, I wanted you to know that I have purchased two kinds of roach killer. One is a food that they eat and then take home to the nest and somehow spread. I have also found that the most toxic cocktail that I have, is Lysol. And so I can regularly be seen chasing a roach spraying Lysol directly. Ashley now says that “Lysol is the clean, fresh, scent of a dead roach.” What is awful is that I am truly a lover not a fighter and every time I kill one, I feel terrible. I mean, they disgust me and so I will keep killing them—but I hate to bring any creature’s life to an end. If they would just stay away from my house—we all would sleep better at night! And no, I still don’t know what happened to that bat. One person suggested that the Holy Spirit made it vanish. That is my favorite theory.
prayer needs:
Larry & Ginny Rodriguez - Many of you that know Larry & Ginny emailed that you were already praying! Larry began a month of chemo this week. Please continue to keep Larry & Ginny in your prayers and if you see them at church, give them a hug bear hug from me!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
my new boyfriend