What you will see me driving around town for the next month or so. Yep, for reals. My parents ordered a smart car a year ago and it just came in. They are in California and won't be back until December. So I get to drive this cute lil thing with great gas mileage--pretty much the polar opposite of Teresita, my el sal ride. But I feel so blessed to have such great wheels for the next couple months. Thanks Mom & Dad!
is it just me... or did you take a picture of your speedometer while you are driving down the road at about 32 miles per hour. way to be a responsible driver. : )
Ok, that is soo little! I didn't even notice what Crystal saw, gosh Crystal, why do have to be such a rule follower! ;-) Just kidding! Crystal always breaks the rules!
So you are back in pdx huh?
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