Friday, October 26, 2007

I arrived in El Salvador last Tuesday morning and by Wednesday morning I had a bag packed and was on my way to ENLACE’s annual Pastor’s & Leaders retreat. It was sooo cool. Thanks to those of you that kept us in your prayers.

I had no clue what to expect, but primarily was looking forward to a personal time of prayer and Bible study—after all of the chaos of preparations to leave, I was craving more time with God. And I figured it couldn’t hurt to meet some more of the ENLACE staff, as well as some of the key Pastors and leaders from some of the local partner churches.

We stayed at a rustic retreat center for 3 days and spent time in prayer and Bible study. Ron is a dynamic preacher with a unique gifting for taking complex ideas and breaking them down into understandable chunks. I was greatly challenged and encouraged by the messages that he shared over the 3 days. And prayer with a bunch of Central American church leaders is a passionate and emotional experience. And was so touched when the church leaders prayed for the ENLACE staff on the last day and I was included in the blessing. We also spent wonderful times at meals together and playing games. (Yes, within days of being in-country Ron & Dave were able to get me in a sack race and an egg toss. Miracles will never cease…) So there was a perfect balance of time in meditation and times just kicking it with new friends and co-workers.

And after so many retreats in my life, you would think I would know that there is always an impact when you join others and set aside time to hear God’s voice. Well, thanks to Dave, Pete & Ron, many of the sessions were translated for me—so I knew a lot more about what was being discussed then I planned.

And what a great start to my time here! I was able to see ENLACE’s primary focus on Biblically based training played out throughout the weekend, but was also able to hear from Pastors about what God is doing in and through THEM. And those were really the golden moments—hearing how empowered local churches were reflecting Christ’s sacrificial love and transforming their communities with that love. And I was also struck by what deep faith and hope these leaders shared by joining together to dream and expect great things together for their congregations. They were not dwelling on their limitations, but were looking forward with trust & confidence in God’s blessing.

And in a week, a small team from River West will come here and we will paint the exterior of a water tank and probably do a small-scale work project at the Buen Samaritano (Good Samaritan) church. I am so excited to be able to actually be the hands and feet that help answer one of the prayers of one my new friends from the retreat.

As always, please keep this great work in prayer!

In His Grace,
PS: I have posted some photos at my blog in case you want to see some faces from the event & we have also posted a slideshow and video at the ENLACE website. Check ‘em out!

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