A few weeks back, I got to head to my favorite ENLACE community, Abelines. This is our most remote community and every time we go, I am a nervous nelly on the crazy dirt road that takes an hour to drive and absolutely requires 4wd. This is real off-roading people!
But once we complete the journey, I am always glad I did it. There is a spirit in Abelines of peace, joy and expectation that you can feel in the air. After years of working together as a community and with ENLACE, this is truly a transformed community. There is a hope, a pride in what they have accomplished together and a love seen through words and deeds that truly shows the face of God. The people are still mostly poor in our standards and there are still many areas of work remaining--and yet I am blown away by these folks on every visit.
And of course, the kids are amazing. I spent an entire morning singing, playing and just enjoying the children from the house we were digging a latrine for. I even got them to show me some of their dance moves! So much fun!
On this last trip, we were able to turn on lights from a switch and enjoy electricty for the first time in that community! I was so honored to just be there and appreciate what this wonderful group of people have been able to accomplish! Read more about
the long road to electricity in Abelines.