I just had to say how much I love prayer and pupusa’s on Sundays! It is so great to have a time to check in with everyone, focus on our shared beautiful Jesus and share our hearts, fears, worries, joys and to giggle some to. And please know that I do pray for each one of you throughout every week, because I kind of love you all. There, I said it!
Ashley and I were talking about vulnerability and how hard it is and yet how critical it is in the walk of faith—being transparent to everyone around us. Really, how can we glorify God if we aren’t real with one another about the areas that he is challenging us? …The messes he is redeeming in us? …The crappiness he is replacing with not only goodness, but holiness. (Holiness instead of crap. That still astounds me. Talk about the best trade up ever.)
Being in El Salvador forces each of us to fly a “I am not all that nor a bag of chips” flag freely and frequently. And what is amazing is that this seems like one of the most precious gifts El Salvador gives us because honestly, it’s reality—no less true in the states or anywhere. But El Sal does have a way of forcing the card—the unending needs of poverty, the difficulties with even the littlest task, the language—all of these things force us to admit our weakness and our lack and require that we cling to God to make something out of the motley pile that is us. And oddly, when we do chill out, trust God to be working and stare into the big baby blues of Christ’s deep, deep, infinitely deep well of love for us—then we often get a brief glimpse of the Kingdom of God. That awesome place where Christ is Lord and is working out this harmonic, just and mindblowingly beautiful plan of complete redemption in the world. And when we stand in our own reality—no matter how ugly or lovely—and share together the truth of God working in and among us, we are part of that story of saints. We are what Christians are supposed to be.
Take a look at this verse:
1 Peter 2:9
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
You, my friends, and I are chosen by God to come from the darkness into his awesome light. God….G-O-D has chosen us and picked us for his eternal kickball game in the sky. No last picks. We are at the top of the “priesthood” list. And we are part of the winningest team ever. (Insert cool cheerleading chant here with Jesus’ name screamed out.) And all of this is reality, even as I suck at Spanish, can’t figure out how to rid myself of bees or bats and feel as if I accomplish not so much in every week. I am still a priest if my eyes are on Christ.
It is such a joy to share in this journey with each one of you. Today I celebrate the twists and turns and scary choices and unknowns and fears and potential loves and potential heart breaks that each one of us shared tonight. God is there amidst it all and it is his work and he will be exalted. Because he is more than all that and a bag of chips. He is God. Immanuel. Jehovoah Jireh. Master and King.
Psalm 46:10-11
“Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth."
The LORD Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
SelahTry to keep that in mind this week.