Sooo, my mom flew into town for a 10 day tour. Primarily she wanted to see my house, my neighborhood, meet my friends and be able to realy SEE my life here with her own two eyes. It meant so much to me that mom would spend the money & time to just see my world!
We had a really awesome time together working on home projects, cooking and travelling around San Salvador and greater El Salvador. Shane & I painted my back yard wall while mom surpervised. (I chose two potential colors and Shane suggested striping of some kind--well after two longs days of labor, the wall looks awesome and hanging in the backyard is so lovely. ) After the painting, mom & I hit the local nursery and purchased a bunch of flowers and herbs to complete the back yard. See the attached photos--Isn't it cool!? We also visited Price Mart, the local Costco and Super Selectos, the closest super market, A LOT.
And it was fun for here to meet the wonderful people that God has blessed me with here! Currently I have 5 people living in my house and mom quickly won everyone over with her sweet spirit and general momminess--and her awesome tacos. (We ate them twice will she was here!)
Mom flew out Thursday night, after a few tears, and I waited at the airport for a few hours until Darcy flew in! Next update... "Darcy visits Tina in El Salvador!"